
*本月份的健身神器, Power Tower and Lebert Equalizer*

3/1 用 PeakFit Challenge Cardio Interval Burn 來歡迎三月, 真心覺得Michelle Dozois 的PeakFit 真是真操, 沒有第二, 只要真心想好好的練,拿她出來絕對讓自己忘了為什麼要拿她出來XDDD

3/2 The Firm Express cycle 1 + 2 Sculpt 40 minutes+100 squats, 100 sit ups, 100 side crunches

3/3 TurboFire Fire 55 EZ Class + 500 punching bag punches + 100 kettlebell swings + 40 deep squats with weights

3/4 LesMills Pump, Pump & Shred 45 minutes. Power tower workout.

3/5 350 cals walking workout, + weight lifting

3/6 Sarah Lurie, Kettlebell the iron core way vol.2 with 15/20 lb kettlebells.

3/7 rest day

3/8 240 squats, 100 burpees, 4 minutes plank, 80 push ups, 120 sit ups, 200 side crunches, 80 leg raises, 160 lunges

3/9 Chalean Xtreme , Lean circuit 3, 40 minutes with 8/10/15 lb dumbbells + 20 deep squats with weights

3/10 UFC Fit Ultimate Champion 40 minutes + Lebert Equalizer workouts

3/11 LesMills Pump, Pump Revolution 55 minutes

3/12 TurboJam maximum result, punch, kick & jam 50 minutes

3/13 Sarah Lurie , iron core warrior vol.1 with 15/20 lb kettlebells

3/14 rest day

3/15 LesMills Combat, combat Kata 45 minutes, 仔細研究LesMills Combat, 發現為什麼之前我不喜歡它的原因,除了覺得coach 太愛說話外,另外ㄧ點是coach給instructions時常會停下動作,讓我也跟著停下來,所以後來我知道要看別人的動作就好多了,其實Combat的動作設計的不錯啊!今天有番新體驗!

3/16 做了些伸展, 肩膀痛啊....這就是神器玩太大的下場!

3/17 LesMills Pump, Pump and Shred, 45 minutes + 100 kettlebell swings

3/18 PeakFit Challenge Pure strength 2, 50 minutes with 5/8/10 lb dumbbell pairs and a resistance band

3/19 400 cals walking workout

3/20 Sarah Lurie Kettlebell the iron core way vol. 1 with 15/20/25 lb KBS

3/21 rest day

3/22 大姨媽來,又挑錯運動,做了40分鐘的 Tabata, 斷氣

3/23 Les Mills Pump, Pump Revolution 55 minutes, 因為barbell有些動作受到限制, 自己把一些用kettlebell, dumbbell, sandbag來做更有效率的替代了原本的 barbell動作

3/24 UFC Fit , Cardio Cross Train 42 minutes

3/25 莫名其妙的腹痛, 休一天

3/26 Peakfit challenge, Cardio interval burn 60 minutes

3/27 Sarah Lurie Kettlebell Boot Camp + 300 punching bag punches

3/28 休一天

3/29 UFC Fit Power Pull 45 minutes, 在網路上看到專業健身教練的座談會, 關於健身重訓的基本概念大致上都算正確, 不過有點太過的是, 健身是量力而為, 不是指的是體力, 財力也算, 健身房的重訓設備有它一定的效果, 這是我從不懷疑的, 但是這些會員費也是不小的支出, 呵呵~我的結論是,也非要花大筆錢進健身房,才會有好身材, 能想辦法努力不懈運動配合飲食的人身材才是最好! 健身是一生的概念.

3/30 Les Mills Pump, Pump Extreme 60 minutes

3/31Turbo Fire Stretch 40 class


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