
fitness Jan.2015  

2/1 掃雪兩次超過2.5小時,居然還有力氣到地下室做了27分鐘自編的Tabata workouts, 我是我們家最強壯的人, 也是唯一穿XS的人XDDD

2/2 掃雪1.5小時, 強壯的核心肌讓我掃了這三場居然都沒有累的感覺

2/3 UFC Fit, Fat Fighter, 35 minutes

2/4 Sara Lurie Kettlebell the iron core way vol. 2 with 15/20 lb kbs,另外加做7 分鐘abs Tabata workout, 今天做的Tabata 是從這個App上來的,基本兩個workout不要錢,加$1.99後有好多更不錯的,最重要的是有示範動作加timer

2/5 UFC Fit Shark Attack 35 minutes,  要善待親戚

2/6 頭痛和姨媽的夾擊之下,鋼鐵蘿拉休一天

2/7 LesMills Pump , Pump And shred 45 mins , Tabata workout 20 minutes 做過運動後頭痛就好了XDD

2/8 UFC Fit, Ultimate fit champion 40 minutes

2/9 LesMills Pump, pump and burn 30 minutes, + Sarah Lurie Kettlebell Boot Camp 30 minutes, total 60 minutes weight training workouts with barbells and kettlebells

2/10 上班第一天,還是能找出能做運動的時間,TurboFire Fire 30+500 punching bag punches

2/11 Jari Love Get Ripped to the Core 60 minutes with dumbbells and barbells

2/12 350 cals walking workout , 100 sit ups, 100 squats, 40 push ups

2/13 Sarah Lurie Kettlebell the iron core way vol. 1 with 15/20 lb kettlebells

2/14 Rest Day

2/15 UFC Fit Power Punch 45 minutes

2/16 Les Mills Pump, Pump & Burn 30 minutes, + 100 sit ups, 60 push ups

2/17 The Firm Express cycle 2 Cardio, 500 punching bag punches

2/18 Sarah Lurie Kettlebell the iron core way vol. 2, Sangbag workout #1 x 3

2/19 UFC Fit Power Pull 45 minutes + T25 Alpha Cardio 1.0 25 minute, 100 squats 大年初一加碼好兆頭!

2/20 頭痛 350 cals walking workout 了事

2/21 補昨天的重訓, Les Mills Pump Pump Revolution 55 minutes

2/22 PeakFit Challenge, Pure cardio 50 minutes, + sandbag workout #1 x 3

2/23 LesMills Pump, Pump Extreme 60 minutes 狠操的一片我的槓鈴片還加碼

2/24 LesMills Pump, Hard Core ABS, +Flow +Power tower workout

2/25 Sarah Lurie Kettlebell the iron core way vol.1  with 15/20/35 lb kettlebells, + power tower workout : vertical knee rasises, push ups, arm pull ups.

2/26 UFC Fit Striker Strength 45 minutes, 本來想隨便做做,哭,選到一片最變態有六種不同變化的push ups, 這幾天太迷戀新買的power tower, 有點肌肉拉傷...

2/27 我的新工作是一家hardware whole sale store,今天出貨120公斤的特殊螺絲,一箱20公斤,一般一箱是10-12公斤 ,哈~這工作還真適合我,常趁四下無人就拿一箱起來做dead lift, 或是跑幾圈warehouse,回家做LesMills Pump , Pump & Shred 45 minutes

2/28 Rest day





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