

12/1 21 Day Fix Totoal Body Fix 30 minutes, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, 100 walking lunges, 每天都應該讓肥肉哭一下!

12/2 21 Day Fix Yoga Fix 30 minutes, 小腿疼得今天無法張揚

12/3 Slim in 6, Phase 1, 25 minutes 意外的low impact,這樣的25 分鐘才三片的program要練到slim 應該很難, 10 minute trainer-- Total body, 意外的發現很不夠深入的耐力訓練,果然10分鐘的短小君是練不出什麼東西,充其量叫做安慰自己有做就好, 100 squats, 100 sit ups, 100 lunges

12/4 Jillian Michaels Kickbox FastFix 78 minutes

12/5 LesMills Pump, Pump and burn 30 minutes, +100/20 lb deep squats, 100 lunges, 100 side crunches, 50/35 lb kettlebell swings , call me super today! 我的LesMills Pump今天寄到,它的設計比我舊的那個bar好用很多, 當成是敗來做傳家寶, 我到時候搬家應該會哭....

12/6 rest day

12/7  我在圖書館找到這個UFC Fit 的fitness program DVD, 一套應該有12 片,我這裡有disc1-3, 本來好奇的看看,不覺有什麼,今天一做 Power Punch, 意外的好! 45 minutes 的workout,分成8個circuits, 每個circuit 裡的動作只做30秒,然後停5-10秒再下一個動作,動作設計的很流暢,這套算是最近我找的fitness programs 中,另人滿意的一套!

12/8  LesMills Pump, Pump and Shred, 45 minutes,+ UFC Fit ,Power Pull ,45 minutes, Super Monday. 越做越覺得UFC Fit 簡直就是Tabata workouts ,做30秒休5-10秒, 動作設計的真不錯,不快,但是肌肉確切有運動到!90 minutes in total.

12/9  UFC Fit Plyo Shred 40 minutes, 這UFC Fit 的動作很多是其他workout 不曾出現的組合,像是mule kick完馬上做squat stand, walking push ups, one arm burpee 都做到第三片還是覺得很新奇!

12/10 UFC Fit Ultimate Stretch Flex 20 minutes+ Shark Attack 32 minutes,大姨媽第二天,本想伸展ㄧ下就好,沒想到伸展完肚子沒痛了,所以就加做了。

12/11 300 Cals walking workout, Jackie Warner Xtreme time saver 30 minutes

12/12 Sara Lurie kettlebellthe iron core way vol.2 with 20/15 lb kettlebells, +Les Mills Pump , pump challenge 20 minutes with 30 lb barbells, 100 squats,100 sit ups, 100 lunges, 100 leg raises, about 90 minutes in total

12/13 Rest day

12/14 UFC Fit Fat Fighter, 32 minutes, TurboFire HIIT 15 class

12/15 Les Mills Pump, Pump & Shred 45 minutes

12/16 UFC Fit, Striker Strength 45 minutes + T25 Alph total body circuit 25 minutes

12/17 Sara Lurie Kettlebell Iron Core Warrior vol. 1

12/18 350 cals walking workout

12/19 Les Mills Pump, Pump Revolution 55 minutes, 效果強大,早早就想睡,睏了ZZZZ

12/20 Rest day

12/21 UFC Fit, Grapple Strength 45 minutes, 100 squats, 100 lunges, 100 sit ups, 500 punches with punching bag

12/22 Les Mills Pump, Pump Extreme 55 minutes, 果然又是早早就能量殆盡!

12/23 UFC Fit, Ultimate Fit Challenge 40 minutes

12/24 400 cals walking workout

12/25 Sara Lurie Kettlebell Warrior vol. 2 30 minutes, Billy Blanks PT 24/7 Cardio Burn 30 minutes, 沒過過節,只有加碼XDDD, 健身無節日, 只分workout day 和 rest day.

12/26 Les Mills Pump, Pump challenge 20 minutes, Hard Core ABS 15 minutes

12/27 每到休息日我的心情是像這樣的: XDDD 很高興又很茫然

rest day

12/28 UFC Fit Cardio Cross Train 42 minutes, 500 punching bag punches, 150 sit ups, 50 push ups

12/29 今天為了做CT scan 餓了大半天,又喝了兩大罐的contrast, 還打了IV, 回家後就不舒服了,所以分批做完200 push ups, 200 squats, 200 side crunches, 200 sit ups

12/30 Les Mills Pump, Pump and Burn 30 minutes

12/31 UFC Fit AB Assassin 25 minutes + UFC Fit Ultimate Stretch Flex 20 minutes, 整個UFC Fit 做過一遍,Les Mills Pump也有完成,2014 算是有進步的一年!和去年相比,我在重量訓練上有更努力,也更懂得怎麼安排自己的運動菜單,希望2015更美好,大家都繼續加油!

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