
3/1 找貓找了一天, 休息

3/2 350 cals walking workout

3/3 350 cals walking workout + outdoor trail walking with my big one 30 minutes

3/4 200 cals walking workout + outdoor trail walking with big one 25 minutes

3/5 Rest day

3/6 350 cals walking workout + mall walking with students 1.5 hours

3/7 Rest day

3/8 Rest day

3/9 Mall walking with students 1.5 hours + 350 cals walking workout

3/10 250 cals walking workout

3/11 250 cals walking workout

3/12 Kettlebell swings 100

3/13 YMCA ran + brisk walking 30 minutes + mall walking with students 1.5 hours

3/14 250 cals walking workout

3/15 350 cals walking workout

3/16 Mall walking with students 1.5 hours

3/17 Mall walking with students 2 hours

3/18 25 minutes trail walking

3/19 Campus walking 40 minutes

3/20 Mall walking with students 1 hour + 250 cals walking workout

3/21 休一天

3/22 350 cals walking workout (久違的親戚居然沒被老二整死)

3/23 Mall walking with students 1 hour

3/24 250 cals walking workout

3/25 250 cals walking workout

3/26 trail walking with my boys 30 minutes

3/27 300 cals walking workout

3/28-3/31 Rest. Play a little on the beach


    2017 三月健身日誌

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